ILEHA Special Board Meeting Minutes

June 28, 2021


A special Board meeting was held to discuss the proposed island for Sequoia Trail in Section 1 of Indian Lakes Estate and a request from the homeowners at 4601 to change the exterior paint color of their home.

Joe Pavona called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.  Those in attendance were Suchitra Webster, Sean Looman, Katie McPherson, Joe Pavona, Cindy Carson, Joe Tonnos, and Carol Chapman.  Derek Perry, Deputy Township Manager and Director of Public Works for Meridian Township also joined the meeting.  The meeting was conducted as a dial-in conference call.  

Version 1 of the proposed island as designed by the Township was shared first with the homeowners that border the island area and then with the ILEHA general membership by email.  Following distribution, except for a question on maintenance cost and one on snow removal, there were no other concerns from the members.  However, the homeowners who border the area voiced concerns around vehicle maneuverability and the unusual length and angles of their driveways as they meet the roadway (Sequoia Trail).  Therefore, the Board shared these concerns with the Township and asked if they could design an alternative island taking into consideration the concerns of those homeowners. 

The Township came back with Version 2 which was then shared with the homeowners who would border the island.  The homeowners reviewed this new proposal and reported back that they found it acceptable.

Derek Perry of Meridian Township joined the call, and the Board addressed several questions to Mr. Perry.  Following this segment, Mr. Perry left the meeting.  After considerable discussion, it was moved and supported that the Board accept Version 2.  The motion passed with 4 yeas (Looman, McPherson, Pavona, Carson) and 2 nays (Tonnos and Webster).  After the vote, the Board further agreed to share Version 2 with the general members and ask for feedback regarding any concerns.  The Board further agreed to re-consider their position should there be serious concerns raised by membership.

Suchitra Webster explained that her vote reflected her intent to look for more input from our neighborhood before making a final decision on island Version 2 and did not understand the Board was voting with the understanding there would indeed be follow up with the members.  Suchitra further noted that she supports the aesthetics of Version 1, and that option had both Township and neighborhood approval.  Additionally, Ms. Webster mentioned that while we need to respect the wishes of the three homeowners most impacted, she would be more at ease with approving Version 2 with neighborhood support and reassurance on the issue of proper drainage.


The Board reviewed the request by the homeowners at 4601 to change the exterior paint color of their home.  After a brief discussion, the Board unanimously approved the request.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.