Indian Lakes Estates Homeowners Association

Annual Meeting Minutes – June 6, 2019



Item #1 – Joe Pavona called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm.


Item #2 – Joe welcomed all present; Board members and homeowners in attendance introduced themselves.


Item #3 – Minutes from the June 7, 2018, Annual meeting were reviewed.  Jack Baldwin moved approval and Mike Lipsey seconded.  The Minutes were unanimously approved.

             – Minutes from the General Membership meeting of October 17, 2018 were also reviewed.  Jim Lyon moved approval and Carrie Lyon seconded. The Minutes were unanimously approved. 


Item # 4 – Reports

       – Financial report was provided by Sean Looman. Handouts were given to those present.  For many years we had one account but for clarity in reporting and ease of record keeping, the General Fund/Operating Account and the Legal Fund are now in separate bank accounts.  The source of our General Fund revenue is from annual Association dues providing a revenue projection of $13,625, assuming all homeowners pay.  However, 10 homes remain in non-payment status. Joe reviewed the Operating budget item by item which is based on an adjusted review project of $12,375.  Maintenance and improvements were discussed for the 5 properties owned by the Association, i.e.., the 2 parcels that make up Mohican Park, parcels on each side of the “narrows” and the entrance).  The Account balance on 6-6-19 for the Legal Fund was $7,540.75. Voluntary donations were received from 41 members. Expenditures were also reviewed and discussed.

       –  Membership – Jon Haun spoke of 6 new members. He also mentioned the homes that are up for sale in the neighborhood.  Jon stated that it would be helpful to have a new Directory, including Deed Restrictions, to distribute to new residents.

       –  Webmaster & Directory – Tracy Pinto, our webmaster, reported that ideas & suggestions are welcomed.  Compliments for her completed work were received.  Tracy is willing to forward information on privacy of the website to those interested. Question raised: is it possible to pay our dues online, if so, what would be the cost to the Association? Tracy will investigate this.  A new neighborhood directory is currently being developed.  Please review the old directory and let us know if changes are needed.  New homeowners will be contacted for their info. 

       – LINC – Sue Webster described topics discussed by LINC who monitors Meridian Township Board meetings and the issues/policies under consideration.  This valuable coverage of Board meetings by LINC and our membership in LINC means we will be informed on items important to our neighborhood without having to attend or monitor each Township Board meeting.

       – Landscape & Maintenance – Joe Pavona described much of cost for this item under the section on financial report.  Our current focus is on property improvements.  At the entrance, Lawns and More will clean-up and install landscaping to extend plantings on the southwest corner of Cochise & Comanche to be similar and compliment those at the corner of Comanche & Mt. Hope.

        –  Hannah Farms Update – Jack Davis first congratulated the Board for its professionalism.  Mr. Davis further mentioned that we are fortunate to have come this far in protecting our interests.  The goals of the neighborhood continue to be no connectivity of any type with Tonapah Trail, land preservation between the Eyde property and ILE, and an acceptable surface water management plan for any development of the property that does not adversely impact ILE.  The Association felt the need to bring in legal counsel to protect these ends and ensure that our concerns are taken seriously and properly addressed, and, to speak collectively through one legal representative.  We are appreciative of having Mr. Davis represents us, especially given his exceptional reputation and expertise in these matters.  Capstone has delayed 3 times this year in attempting to submit a plan to the Meridian Township Board. One additional possibility of a senior center (4 stories) has also been discussed.  A map was provided to all present.  Persistent monitoring will continue.


Item #5 – Election of Board Members-Results:  For Section 1= Sue Webster: Section 2= Joe Pavona: Section 3=Pat Lipsey. Term of service is three years.


Item # 6 – Announcements –

    – Please, slow down when driving through the neighborhood, especially on Sequoia Trail.  Complaints have been received.   

    -There is no dumping of yard waste or anything else in the “narrows”.

    – Please, if you walk your dog(s), clean up after them when needed. 

    – Deed Restrictions – In respect to our neighbors and to maintain property values, letters will be sent to habitual offenders.  ILEHA Board members Jon & Carol, as realtors, will do their part in letting buyers and their representatives know and encourage reading of the same.

    -Reminder that liens will be placed on property, according to the Deed Restrictions, for non-payment of dues. 7% interest on the unpaid balance along with any legal and administrative costs will be applied.


Item #7 – Other Business & Open Discussion – Interest was expressed in a neighborhood garage sale.  Katie McPherson offered to spearhead.  We will advertise by placing our sign at the entrance.   Some interest was expressed in the “Neighborhood Night Out”


Item #8 – Adjournment – At 9:15 pm, Joe Tonnos moved for adjournment, seconded by Pat Lipsey, move passed unanimously.